I am cocooned in my own electricity everyday but today my cocoon reaches the electrics of my screen for the electrics of your screener the electrics of you  

Programme note: Some kind of digital visualisation formed through your choices, informed by our processes, where process is product and product is process and outcome is history and history is defunct - finding ways to keep moving and naming this dancing. Could call it a game but the journey is what makes the thing and there is nowhere to arrive at and nothing to win.

A cyborg architecture formed between you and the interface through choices and justifications, feelings and thoughts; a moment of control? Illusions, oases and rabbit holes, arrivals and alternative beginnings.. Zeros and ones make curves not straight lines and the map is your own internal landscape. Narrow epiphanies, wide lenses. We have different points of arrival yet we invite you to enter. 

We have spent these weeks on a ride thinking about systems forming hostile architectures and the impact of these on our bodies, on moving, thinking, feeling and relating. Guests have gifted us with sessions: Phoebe Collings-James, Mary Feliciano, Rebecca James, Giorgia Ohanesian Nardin, Daniella Valz Gen. This work we have been doing has involved tuning into ideas around boundaries, disobedience, cellular vibrations, scale, divination, devotion and oracular practices informs our offering - I am cocooned in my own electricity every day, but today my cocoon reaches out for the electrics of my screen for the electrics of your screen for the electrics of you

Creator: Last Yearz Interesting Negro

Dance Artists: Alex Henderson, Emma Iskowitz, Jordan Allen, Théïa Maldoom, Abigail Lewis, Zara Peiffer, Joshua Yates, Audrey Berger and Bethanie Hayes

Music: Shelley Parker

Game Design: Josh Anio Grigg

Premiered: 20th July 2020 at Online via The Place, London


The Crack