Mind the Gap is a mixed bill of performances that, across styles and mediums, reflect a range of approaches to improvisation.
Research and artist development are at the heart of MTG as beyond putting on a show, I try to make it a gathering place for the sharing of practices, conversations and ideas. I am interested how via MTG I can engage with artists and audiences in meaningful ways and contribute to a community that benefit from events like this.
MTG started in 2022 after I realised the importance of small scale performance nights to my own and therefore probably most performers' development. I noticed a shortage of these events and so, whilst channeling my own interest in improvisation, I organised the first MTG. Now, there have been 8 events and I have worked with over 65 artists including dancers, musicians, spoken word artists, actors, comedians, drag artists and zine makers.
An Interview with DANCE ART JOURNAL
“ In early June 24, I caught up with Théïa over Zoom. Through our discussion, I gleaned insight into the unique role that this platform, and improvisation more broadly, plays in supporting artistic development.”
Words by Stella Rousham